In Waghete, Tigi district - Deiyai regency (Papua), on May 21, 2019, at 22:00 p.m Papuan time, Yulianus Mote (18 years) has been shot dead by police officers from the Waghete Sector Police. He is a civilian (indigenous Papuan) from the Mee tribe and lived in Okomo Village, Tigi district (Deiyai regency - Papua province).
The following is a chronology:
On 21 May 2019:
At 16:00 p.m. Papua time, Melianus Dogopia and three of his friends left the new Waghete market after consuming alcoholic beverages. Melianus and three of his friends were influenced by alcohol (read: drunk).
At around 16:10 Papua time, Melianus Dogopia and three of his friends dismissed a Toyota Avansa car on Waghete Enaro Highway (Towards the Regent's Office or entrance of New Market of Waghete to Timipotu) and requested 10,000 IDR to the driver of the car. The driver said that he did not have money, then Melianus asked the driver to give four cigarettes for him and three of his friends. The driver does not want to give, then a fight occurs. Then two passengers who were in the car came out and there was a divorce. Two passengers and a driver are from Makassar. A passenger took a machete inside the car but then put it back after being reminded by a motorcycle taxi driver who was on the scene not to use a machete, then the problem became complicated and someone could become a victim. The introduction was stroked by a motorcycle taxi driver. At that time, not far from the scene there were a number of people gathered and playing volly. They had come to watch the ceremony.
Around 16:30 p.m Papua time, the driver along with two of the passengers left the scene. The situation returned to normal.
Around 16.36 p.m Papua time, when Melianus Dogopia was standing on the side of the road not far from the scene, four police officers from Waghete Sub-district police came and beat Melianus battered.
Around 16: 45 p.m. Papua time, Melianus Dogopia returned to his parents' home in the Timipotu complex, Waghete II.
At around 17:00 p.m Papua time, when Melianus Dogopia was resting at his parents' house, four police officers from Brigadir Mobile came to surround the house and fire. Melianus did not accept that. He left the stable home carrying a bow and arrow, and danced in front of his parents' house. The four Brimob people stood on the side of the road and fired. Melianus Dogopia tried to attack the four Brimob men, and he was shoted by one Brimob at his thigh. Melianus Dogopia was shoted by Brigadir Mobile at near Kion Buton (or near telkomsel transmitter), Timipotu Waghete II. Melianus was rushed to the hospital.
At around 18:00 Papua time, Daud Dogopia, father of Melianus Dogopia, heard that his son was shot by Brimob and was being treated at Waghete Hospital. He does not accept. He is not his clothes. Only use blemish inside. He took a bow and arrow, and protested to the Waghete police station. Together with several people, David Dogopia went on a rampage and set fire to the Waghete Sub-District Police Station.
Around 6:20 a.m. Papua time, Yulius Mote and residents of the Okomo village saw the Waghete District Police Station burning and heavy smoke billowing into the air. Okomo Village is not far from Waghete Police Station. The news about the shooting of Melianus Dogopia was known by residents of the village of Okomo.
At 18.37 Papua time, Yulius Mote and several residents came to Waghete Sub-District Police Station from Okomo Village. They joined in the protest. Some residents carry bows and arrows, including Julian Mote. He carried a bow and arrow but his bowstring broke. Because his bowstring broke, he was reminded by one of the residents not to protest, but he forced himself to join in the protest.
At 22:00 p.m. Papua time, a police officer from the Waghete Sector Police shot dead Yulianus Mote (18 years). Members of police officer from Waghete Sector Police shot Yolianus Mote from second floor of Bank Papua of Wakeikobo, Waghete. He was a civilian from the Mee Tribe and lived in Okomo Village. His body was not immediately taken home to his family's home. Because the police and military fired tear gas to forcibly disperse residents.
At 23:00 Papua time, the family took and took Yulius Mote's body to the family home in Okomo village.
On May 22, 2019, the Investigation Team of the Papua Regional Police together with the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, the National Human Rights Commission of Papua and John Gobay, one of the representatives of DPRP (read: Parliemanet in Papua province) who representing 14 Special Autonomy chairs were in the city of Waghete to conduct an investigation. The investigation process from the Papua Regional Police along with the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, the Papua National Commission on Human Rights and John Gobay, one of the representatives of the DPRP who representing 14 Special Autonomy chairs was considered not transparent. According to the family, the Team did not meet the victim's family. The team inform to the District Head and Deputy Regent of Deiyai District were conveyed the results of its investigation, where during the protest on 21 May 2019 three women were raped.
On May 22, 2019, after receiving a report from the Papuan Regional Police Investigation Team, Deputy Regent of Deiyai, Hengky Pigay visited the families of the victims and clarified the results of the Papua Polda Team's investigation that when residents protested on May 21, 201 rape of three woman. Hengky Pigay stressed that the results of the Papua Polda Team's investigation should be verified by the doctor's post mortem against the three women suspected of being victims of the rape.
On May 23, 2019, the body of Yulius Mote was buried by the family and community members in front of the Waghete Sector Police Office.
On May 23, 2019, Ms. Dobora Mote, Deputy Chairperson II of the Papuan People's Assembly met with the families of the victims to hear first hand testimonies from the families of the victims. She paid attention on Indonesian military and Indonesian police must respect and protect indigenous Papuan rights.
Family of victim confirm that the Indonesian Police gave 10.000.000 IDR for the family of victim (Yulius Mote) after that incident.
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