
Indonesian Military ill Treat and Torture Indigenous Papuans

19:21 Jan 28 2017 Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, Papua, Indonesia

Tuanliwor Kiwo and Telingga Gire, indigenous Papuans, were arrested and tortured in May 2010 by the Indonesian military. Mr. Kiwo survived by escaping after two days. Despite the international attention the case received after a video of the torture was published by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in October 2010, there are serious concerns that the perpetrators will not be brought to an independent court process and be adequately punished. The victims were arrested at the Kwanggok Nalime TNI post near Yogorini village on their way from Tingginambut towards Mulia, Papua, Indonesia. During the two days of detention he was subjected to several serious forms of torture until he was able to escape in the morning of the third day.
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